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The Helpful Benefits of Detox Baths


Welcome Friends,

I am thrilled to share the wisdom and helpful benefits of detoxifying the body through bathing. Detox baths are wonderful ways to support yourself and help your body release toxic  build up.


I first learned about the importance of supporting the body through bathing when I began learning about holistic therapies over a decade ago. It was during that time I began incorporating them into my self health care practice.


Some things you need to know about Detox baths and purification is,  when you go through any type of detoxification you may experience flu-like symptoms due to your body ridding itself of toxins.


General Guidance for the length of a bath is to soak is 20-30 minutes. Oversoaking may cause exhaustion.  In addition, soaking in water that is too hot may cause exhaustion as well. As with all things, trust your own discernment when selecting a bath to help with your purification processes.


Ok lets get started Below are a few helpful baths:


Epsom Salt & Ginger:

This bath assist with the elimination of toxins and reduction of pain. Using ginger helps open the pores and balance out mercury and other heavy metals. Stir 1-2 cups epsom salts and 1-2 tablespoons of organic ginger powder in a cup of water first then add to the bath. I would start with 1 Tablespoon of ginger and see how you do. Then work your way up to 2 Tablespoons in your bath. Also if you want to skip the ginger a simple Epsom Salts bath will do.


You really can't add too much Epsom salts, I once added 27 cups. Always use your own discernment!


Sea Salt & Baking Soda:

The sea salt, baking soda bath counteracts the effects of radiation, whether from x-rays, cancer treatments, radiation fallout from the atmosphere or other household EMF radiation. Add 2 cups each sea salt and baking soda to your bath and soak for at least 20 minutes. You may substitue epsom salt and add an essential oil like frankincense to your bath for added inflammation reduction.


Epsom Salt, Sea Salt & Sesame Oil:

To assist with dry skin and stress reduction this combination can help with both. Take 1 cup epsom salt, 1 cup sea salt and 1 cup sesame oil and place all in your tub full of water.


Vinegar Bath:

This is helpful when the body is too acidic. Its a quick way of restoring the acid-alkaline balance. For this bath use 1 cup to 2 quarts 100% apple cider vinegar to a bathtub of warm water. You'll want to soak for 40-45 minutes with this bath. This bath helps with excess uric acid in the body and especially for the joints, arthritis, tendonitis and gout.

Detox baths are supportive when going through life challenges of all kinds. They are also helpful if your creative life is stagnant or your emotions are out of balance. If you feel physically bogged down or your mind is on spin cycle water along with prayer can help restore and add balance to your life.

The healing element of water itself aids in our purification, reshaping, reconciling and 

calms that which is burning out of control. It is said in The Healing Wisdom of Africa by Malidoma Some, “that without water nothing can be authentic.” Water soothes that which is trapped and at risk of combustion. It reconciles and cools the burning psyche it imparts serenity upon a person in turmoil, returning focus to a chaotic existence and balance to that which is in emotional disorder.


When water has succeeded balance is restored and the abundance of a thriving life is 

possible once more. Wishing you all an uplifting, restorative, balanced, peaceful and joyfilled experience through the healing guide of water.


Love In Christ,




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